His Holiness - John Paul II and the hidden history of our time

His Holiness - John Paul II and the hidden history of our time
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By Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi

Published by Bantam Books, 1997,

Paperback, 105mm x 175mm, 656 pages


Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi, the dean of Vatican journalists,provide an astonishing look at Pope John II and show him to be one of the foremost politicians of our time. Having gained unprecendented access to rare sources of information in Rome, Washington & Moscow, including once top-secret Soviet files and Politiburo minutes, they take us inside the Soviet heirarchy to see, for the first time, key figures such as Brezhnev and Andropov heatedly discussing how to handle the Pope, whom they considered a major threat to their survival. Indeed, John Paul would come to dominate the politcial world, ultimately fashioning an alliance with President Reagan to reverse Yalta and hasten the demise of communism.

This fascinating expose also tells the unknown story of a boyhood marked by tragedy, and a destiny shaped by growing up in Nazi - and later communist - Europe. And as it examines the controversial figure whos has sent the Catholic Church on a course that has both divided and uplifted its billioon members, His Holiness explains how an iron will and strong convictions have made John Paul II the great mnoral leader of our time.